Photo credit: Jeff Thomas
Integrating research, creation and knowledge is a central commitment within GardenShip. Artistic practice and related discourses are at the heart of the entire project, whose key outcomes will include exhibition(s), a major publication, and satellite community initiatives.
The phases of the Gardenship and State project are as follows:
Phase 1: Seeding
Fall 2019/Winter 2020
The first phase of the project involves exchanges via email, Skype, etc. to establish preliminary introductions to set the ground for collaborations and lines of research. A Launch Workshop was carried out at Museum London & Western University in Nov. 2019 (see below).
Phase 2: Nurturing
Spring 2020 – Summer 2021
Ongoing development of projects occurs, and continued engagement among the group via email, Skype, and the project’s website. Abstracts of ongoing research and documentation of art will be posted online.
Other on-site and online Workshops are in development.
Phase 3a: Reaping
Fall 2021
This phase will culminate, under the curators’ guidance, in an Exhibition at Museum London, beginning in September 2021. The curator, artists, and scholars will be present for the Opening and Workshop 2.
Phase 3b: Harvesting Spring 2022
The Exhibition Catalogue will be completed and launched following the end of the exhibition, in Spring 2022. A Conference in conjunction with the catalogue launch is expected.
Phase 4: Transplanting Fall 2022 – Spring 2023
Satellite project partnerships will be developed with the intention that they will act as offshoots, planted and harvested in local communities, on-line, and internationally etc. Exhibitions and Publications with the partners will be released online and in local contexts, beginning in Spring 2023.